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A central component to the APHP mythology is the belief that the organismic body can transmute into a geologic body with a minimum loss of information. Hi-Rad Mummy is an icon of such a transformation, a carbon body transformed into a silicate through complex rites of vitromancy and mineral communion.
These altered bodies are commonly referred to as Arrows within the APHP.
A central component to the APHP mythology is the belief that the organismic body can transmute into a geologic body with a minimum loss of information. Hi-Rad Mummy is an icon of such a transformation, a carbon body transformed into a silicate through complex rites of vitromancy and mineral communion.
These altered bodies are commonly referred to as Arrows within the APHP.
The Hi-Rad Mummy
Watercolor and ink on paper
Hi-Rad Mummy, Jaw
Hi-Rad Mummy Model
Resin, wood